On Monday, October 31st, our 2nd-grade scientists had a time of “invention and design!” Students built their own “candy corn shooting catapults!”

IMG_9889Each student, or a pair of students, was tasked with inventing a mini catapult with the following materials at their disposal: spoons, Popsicle sticks, unsharpened pencils, and rubber bands.

Students were able to look at catapult pictures that used the same materials, or they could create their own design. Although some wished for more time to refine and upgrade their invention, blast off had arrived.

The lower school chapel area became the candy corn launching pad! Some candy soared up to the ceiling, some flew backward or sideways, some plopped in place and others propelled forward with a force that even the medieval warriors would have admired!

Check out the candy corn shooting catapults:

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