IMG_9367In Kindergarten, we love that we take our students on experiential field trips into our community to places like the Mt. Baker Theatre. It helps expand learning beyond the classroom and we appreciate opportunities to get our students out into our surrounding community. For example, students learn how to apply servant leadership through the delivering of apples to our school neighbors as part of the “Love Thy Neighbor” project that our Chapel Guild sponsors.

With fall here, this week we were thankful to get our students and parents out observing our changing season! On Thursday, October 20th our Kindergarten joined Ms. Dizon’s Jr. K & Mrs. Burgess’ Pre-K 5 Day a.m. and MWF p.m. preschool on a field trip to Dan Cramer’s Western Town from 9:15 to 11:15 a.m. IMG_9344The groups were divided by student age groups, but everyone had a great time walking the pumpkin patch and interacting with farm animals. Our students and parents that could join were able to hold a baby pig and pet small ponies, goats and ducks. We were even able to take a hay ride.

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