Garden pond, July 2018

How long does transformation take? Sometimes it’s just a matter of having a vision, making a few calls, and having an awesome team to help make it happen. 

Earlier this summer, Karen was helping out at the lower school parking lot clean-up day when she spotted a small garden space she’d never noticed before outside of the 2nd grade classrooms. The big conservatory windows in the classrooms look out on this space, and it was clear to see that the garden had been neglected for awhile.

Mighty Moms by the pond, October 2018

With her daughter set to enter second grade in the fall, Karen felt a personal connection to this space. She wanted to give the area a little TLC before the children returned for the school year. So with the help of Mrs. Bucsko, she gained access to the garden and started exploring what effort would be needed to clean up the area. She reached out to her fellow class parents, shared the photos she had taken of the space, and they started planning.

On Tuesday, August 28th, five moms, their kids, a power washer, and lots of garden tools gathered together to start work. In one day, they were able to prune back the overgrowth of trees, brush, and weeds, and the the pond received a thorough power-washing. The space looked completely different already, but they weren’t finished yet!

Ready for planting!

It wasn’t enough just to clear out the space. Even in bad weather, students will sit in the windows and look out over the garden, so these moms wanted to make sure that that the garden is not only tidy but also a feast for the eyes and imagination. New bark and gravel were laid down to define the space, and new plants took the place of weeds. Finally, adorable benches were built and donated to create comfortable seating for our young scholars to study outside.

A cozy book and a great view!

Reflecting on the experience, Karen says that she was just the catalyst, and it was a collective effort of the group, generosity of time and materials from Patsy and Mychel, Erin’s hard work and perseverance, and Cristina’s willingness to jump in  wherever needed that made the project successful and fun.

Total cost to the school: $0  

Total value of the project: Priceless

We can’t wait to see what these Mighty Moms set their sights on next!

Mrs. L admiring the clean pond in August, 2018

Many thanks to these mighty moms for making a difference: Karen Enriquez, Patsy Williams, Mychel Cortese, Erin Jordan, and Cristina Mozgai

Do you see something at our school that needs a little parent power too?

We love it when parents take on projects! Talk to your division administrator or Heather Carter, Development Director, at for more information about how to get started.

Karen, Patsy, Mychel, and Erin ready to work!